The mani – Zale spring protection development project was completed in 2011 in partnership with A Glimmer of Hope Foundation. The Village of Mani-Zale is in Loma district, Dawro Zone of Southern Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia. This village was among the most marginalized areas of the Dawro Zone. Many households in the area lacked access to a clean, safe water supply. The coverage pf potable water was below 2%. Community members with access to clean water obtain it at a rate of 2-3 liters per capita per day, well below the required standard of 7 liters for survival. The majority depend on unsafe water sources such as rivers, ponds, and unprotected springs. Many women and children travel long distances (2-3Kms) to fetch water from existing sources.


The project will develop and protect spring water. This spring protection development area expected to reduce the incidence of water born diseases in the target area from the current 98% to 45% and increase safe water coverage from 2% to 35%. Access to clean water enables women and the larger community to live healthier, more productive lives. The project promotes community participation by establishing a 5 members water and sanitation committee to manage and maintain the schemes. Training of water management committee includes topics in sanitation, hygiene, use of water and simple maintenance. Additionally, the water management committee is responsible for management of clean water source, mobilizing the community to supply local materials, and arranging and facilitating financial resources from different sources for maintenance of the clean water source.


This was the first project that Stream of Hope Inc. (previously known as Clean Water for Ethiopian Villages) engaged in and we were immensely proud of our accomplishment in a short time. Stream of Hope Inc. strives to continue similar implementation as we reach more undeserved rural communities in Ethiopia.